Ice base Cape Baranova
Coordinates: N79°16.824' E101°37.053' Altitude (m.a.s.l): 20 Ecosystem type: Arctic semidesert Station charaterization: Shokalski strait seashore
CO₂ concentration (10 m, 10/2015–04/2021)
CH4 concentration (10 m, 10/2015–04/2021)
CO concentration (10 m, 10/2015–04/2021)
Supporting environmental data: Meteorology, aerosol black carbon and optical properties, SO₂ concentration
Climate data point: WMO: 20094 Average temperature (°C): -11.6 Annual precipitation (mm): 262 Average snow depth at mid-March (cm): - Median period of snow cover: -
Environment: Marine Arctic Vegetation type: - Mean vegetation height (m): - Max projected LAI: - Soil type: - Stand volume (m³ ha⁻¹): - Tree density (ha⁻¹): - Tree age (years): -