Recently ended projects of the Weather and Climate Change Impact Research
Finalized in 2018-2021
CLIPS (CLImate services supporting Public activities and Safety CLIPS, 2016-2018) aims at setting up the proof of concept for extended range (0-46 day long) seamless weather and climate services by developing novel climate impact outlooks (e.g. early warnings) for phenomena that pose risks and benefits to weather sensitive public activities in Finland. CLIPS focuses as much on urban, rural as sea areas in Finland. The data used in CLIPS are FMI gridded climate data, the PRONTO data (impacts reported by safety authorities to FMI), and reanalysis data and forecasts provided by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Additionally, CLIPS will engage the public during the project through FMI webpages and to take part in the co-creation process of the services. Funding: Academy of Finland. Contact: Hilppa Gregow.
COST PROFOUND (2014-2018). The main objective of the Action is to evaluate and improve our ability to project the consequences of environmental change for European forests by addressing questions regarding data needs, scaling, parameterization, and predictive accuracy of forest models. Funding: EU. Contact: Ari Venäläinen.
ERMOND (Ecosystem resilience for mitigation of natural disasters) (2015-2017). The aims of the project are to (a) compile an overview of natural disasters in the Nordic region and how ecological restoration actions can be used to mitigate such hazards (b) conduct regional feasibility case studies of strategic build up of ecosystem resilience which will be ongoing throughout the project time and (c) recommend actions to enhance build up of ecosystem resilience in the Nordic region. . In the slipstream of this project IKE has initiated cooperation with LähiTapiola to create a high resolution (GIS) national natural hazard damage database. Funding: The Nordic Council of Ministers. Contact: Karoliina Pilli-Sihvola.
EU-E-SHAPE (EuroGEOSS Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe, 2019–2022) project coordinated by ARMINES is an unprecedented initiative that brings together decades of public investment in earth observation and in cloud capabilities into services to the citizens, the industry, the decision-makers and researchers. E-SHAPE will develop and deliver concrete, operational EO services with and for the users (citizens, researchers, businesses and policy makers) through the implementation of 27 pilots spanning 7 thematic areas: food security and sustainable agriculture, health surveillance (pollutants), renewable energy, ecosystem monitoring, water resources management, disaster resilience and climate monitoring. The project is a collaboration between 54 partners. SIV implements tailored sub-seasonal and seasonal forecast services for the City of Helsinki and tire companies. Funding: EU Horizon 2020 Programme. Contact: Mikko Strahlendorff, Andrea Vajda.
EU-C3S Clim4Energy (A service providing climate change indicators tailored for the energy sector, 2016-2018). The project brings together the complementary expertise of 7 climate research and service centres and 10 energy practitioners to demonstrate, from case studies, the value chain from ECVs to actionable information in the energy sector. It will deliver 9 energy-relevant pan-European indicators of climate trends and variability with a cross-sectoral consistency, appropriate documentation and guidance, estimation of uncertainties, and a demonstration of use. It will contribute to other Copernicus services by sharing experience and tools on quality control, data access with distributed systems, visualization of complex multi-dimensional data and their uncertainties. Why climate matters for energy – read more here Funding: EU/ECMWF. Contact: Andrea Vajda.
EU-C3S Data Evaluation for Climate Models (2016-2018). Activities in this project will address multi-model climate model products CMIP and CORDEX. Scientific robustness regarding climate model ensembles is in the heart of the project. Wide variety of current and potential new users of the multi-model climate data are surveyed and champion-users are invited to participate with tool development. With the support of users during we will be able to co-design the best recommendations for multi-model climate model products for the EQC framework. Funding: EU/ECMWF. Contact: Hilppa Gregow.
ERA4CS DustClim (DUST storms assessment for the development of user-oriented CLIMate services in Northern Africa, Middle East and Europe, 2017–2021) will provide high-resolution baseline and trend information on sand and dust storms over Europe, Northern Africa, and the Middle East, and will develop dust-related climate services tailored to key socioeconomic sectors. The project will produce, evaluate, and deliver an advanced dust regional model reanalysis, covering the satellite era of quantitative aerosol information, and will conduct impact assessment pilot studies for air quality, aviation, and solar energy. The project is a collaboration between BSC (Spain, coordinator), FMI, AEMET (Spain), CNR-DTA (Italy), and CNRS-LISA (France). Funding: European Commission through the JPI Climate ERA4CS initiative. Contact: Athanasios Votsis.
ERA4CS INDECIS (Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water and tourism 2017–2021). INDECIS will e.g. develop an integrated approach to produce a set of relevant climate indices for the above mentioned sectors. It will catalog existing datasets of precipitation, temperature, wind speed and sunshine duration, search new data holdings and develop new methods and tools. Partners implementing the project are: URV/C3 (coordinator, Spain), UREAD (UK), FMI (Finland), BRGM/D3E (France), IRPI/CNR-DTA (Italy), UC/IHC (Spain), SMHI (Sweden), MET EIREANN (Ireland), AEMET (Spain), BSC (Spain), FFCUL (Portugal), GCRI (Czech Republic), KNMI (The Netherlands), RMI (Belgium), MeteoRo (Romania), IPE/CSIC (Spain). Funding: European Commission through the JPI Climate ERA4CS initiative. Contact: Ali-Nadir Arslan, Andrea Vajda.
EU-OPERANDUM (Open-air laboratories to manage hydro-meteorological risks, 2018–2022). OPERANDUM aims to reduce hydro-meteorological risks in European territories through co-designed, co-developed, deployed, tested and demonstrated innovative green and blue/grey/hybrid Nature-Based Solutions (NBS), and push business exploitation. It aims provision of research evidence for the usability of NBS and best practices for their design based on participatory processes. It foresees a multiple level of stakeholder engagement from the local community up to the international level to leverage widest possible NBS acceptance to promote its diffusion as a good practice. Moreover, the project establishes the framework for the strengthening of NBS-based policies according to local legislation and promotes technology and innovation in NBS to create a European leadership. Funding: EU Horizon 2020. Contact: Heikki Tuomenvirta.
ERA4CS SERV_FORFIRE (Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention, 2017–2021) will: (i) provide integrated services for forest fire assessment and mitigation strategies, from seasonal up to climatic time scales, (ii) create a bridge between observations, model development, operational products, information translation and user uptake. Partners implementing the project are: CNR DTA (Italy), Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland), BRGM (France), INRASTES NCSRD (Greece), KNMI (Netherlands) and GCRI (Czech Republic). Funding: European Commission through the JPI Climate ERA4CS initiative. Contact: Andrea Vajda.
ERA4CS URCLIM (Advance on Urban Climate Services, 2017–2021) will combine high resolution urban climate modelling, with open source land use and urban morphology data, and with urban land use and morphology simulation modelling, so as to better explore alternative future urban climates in alternative future urban environments. The study also entails assessment of the effectiveness of climate adaptation measures in physical and economic terms, with case studies for Amsterdam, Brussels, Budapest, Helsinki and Toulouse. Focus impacts are heat stress, flooding risk, and snow clearing and slipperiness in winter. The project is a cooperation of MeteoFrance (coord.), CNRS, IGN (All France), RMI (Belgium), KNMI (Netherlands), FMI, and Meteo Romania. Funding: European Commission through the JPI Climate ERA4CS initiative. Contacts: Carl Fortelius (meteorology), Adriaan Perrels (socio-economics).
ERA4CS WINDSURFER (Wind and wave scenarios, uncertainty and climate risk assessment for forestry, energy and reinsurance, 2017–2021). Extreme winds pose major risks to life, property and forestry, while extreme ocean waves can impact on offshore infrastructures and coastal communities. WINDSURFER is a 3-year project that will bring together eight leading research institutions across Europe to co-develop new methods, tools and assessments of extreme wind and wave risk with a focus on Insurance, Forestry and Energy. The eight WINDSURFER partners are: University of Reading, (UK), Met Éireann (Ireland), Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Norway), CMCC (Italy), Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland), IH Cantabria (Spain), NCSR Demokritos (Greece) and KNMI (Netherlands). Funding: European Commission through the JPI Climate ERA4CS initiative. Contact: Ari Venäläinen.
EU-MACS (EU MArket for Climate Services, 2016-2018). The project analyses the market structures and drivers, and obstacles and opportunities of climate services. Climate services cover the generation, provision, and contextualization of information and knowledge derived from climate research for decision-making. The analysis aims at understanding how climate service markets, with public and private features, can develop through better matching procedures and through innovations. This is approached from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The study will engage a large diversity of stakeholders within the finance, tourism and urban planning sectors in various ways, especially through explorative market development exercises, employing different co-design approaches. Funding: EU H2020. Contact: Adriaan Perrels.
EXWE/SAFIR2018 (2015-2018). The primary objective of the research was to support the overall safety of nuclear power plants by enhancing scientific understanding of the environmental conditions of the plant's location and predicting how they can change. The project primarily focused on extreme weather and sea level events that affect the design principles of the power plants and might pose external threats to the plants. In addition, the project aimed to improve the estimates of potential solar storm effects and to provide a modern platform for atmospheric dispersion modelling of accidental releases. A successor of EXWE is PREDICT (2019-2022). Contact: Kirsti Jylhä.
FORBIO (Sustainable, climate-neutral and resource-efficient forest-based bioeconomy, 2015–2020). The project aims to the renewal of the scientific knowledge base and provide for decision making smart means, solutions and tools needed to sustainably improve resource-efficiency and climate-neutrality of management and utilization of Finnish forests. The aim is also to facilitate the adaptation to the changing operational environment, which is affected by changing climate and demands of forest-based bioeconomy and society in different time spans and regions. This research project is implemented by the University of Eastern Finland, School of Forest Sciences (co-ordinator) and Department of Chemistry, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland, European Forest Institute, and Finnish Environment institute. Funding: the Strategic Research Council (SRC) at the Academy of Finland.
IBA-ForestFires (Forest fires in Fennoscandia under changing climate and forest cover, 2019–2021). The project synthetizes the current knowledge of the occurrence, monitoring, modeling and extinction of forest fires in Fennoscandia and surrounding regions. In addition, the project investigates how forest fires can promote black carbon emissions over Arctic. The project will produce a comprehensive report on key issues related to forest fires in a situation where climate and forest structure are expected to rapidly change. In addition, an international meeting will be organized at the end of 2020, where the key findings of the project will be presented for the scientific community, policy makers and other relevant sectors. The project is part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland IBA funding scheme that promotes the collaboration between Baltic, Barents and Arctic regions. Contact: Juha Aalto.
IHKU (The Air Pollution Cost Model for Finland, 2017-2018). The main goal of the IHKU project is to develop a national air pollution cost model for Finland to be used in strategic decision support. The model focuses on mortality, morbidity and health care costs related to air pollution. Other costs, such as ecosystem degradation and loss in the quality of life, are modeled on the basis of a meta-analysis of results from international research. These costs will be compared to the estimated health cost of air pollution. The project also includes a review of different approaches for pollution cost assessment and summarize them for decision-makers in accessible language. Partners: Finnish Environment Institute SYKE (coordinator), National Institute for Health and Welfare THL, and the FMI. Funding: Government's Analysis, Assessment and Research Activities. Contact: Väinö Nurmi.
EU-iSCAPE (Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution in Europe, 2016–2019). The project aims to integrate and advance the control of air quality and carbon emissions in European cities in the context of climate change through the development of sustainable and passive air pollution remediation strategies, policy interventions and behavioural change initiatives. Improvements in air quality, microclimate and behavioural aspects of urban dwellers will be achieved in the selected cities assessed for future climate change scenarios and representative of different cultural and life styles in Europe. FMI cooperates in Finland with the city of Vantaa. Funding: EU H2020. Contact: Antti Mäkelä.
MARCO (MArket Research for Climate services Observatory, 2016-2018). This sister project of EU-MACS gathers market research firms, climate scientists, CS practitioners and innovation actors, in dialogue with stakeholders, to provide an enriched European CS market assessment up to 2030 with case studies, forecast future user needs, unveil opportunities, and promote market growth. Feedback loops between several methodologies validate findings. Integrated market research draws on climate vulnerability analysis, potential market estimation, transactional market quantification, qualitative surveys, sectoral / regional case studies. Key output is the Climate Services Observatory. Funding: EU H2020 Contact: Adriaan Perrels.
MONITUHO (2019–2022). The aim of the project is to develop a forest damage prediction and risk management system for European spruce bark beetles in Finland. The project helps to adapt to the climate change induced increase in bark beetle damage. This project is implemented by the University of Helsinki - School of Forest Sciences, Finnish Meteorological Institute, the National Land Survey of Finland - Finnish Geospatial Research Institute, the Finnish Forest Centre and Natural Resources Institute Finland. Funding: The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Contact: Hilppa Gregow.
NORDRESS (2015–2020) is a Centre of Excellence under the Social Security Programme of NordForsk. Its aim is to carry out multidisciplinary studies to enhance societal security and resilience to natural disasters. Partners from 15 institutions in all Nordic countries will join forces to increase the resilience of individuals, communities, infrastructure and institutions. The NordForsk Social Security Programme is funded by the Academy of Finland, The Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB), The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS) and NordForsk. The FMI is involved in the work packaged dealing with: Natural Hazard Management approaches, Participatory observation and early warning systems, and Risk perceptions. Contact: Adriaan Perrels.
PLUMES (Pathways for linking uncertainties in climate model projections and effects) (2014-2018). The consortium project of SYKE, LUKE and FMI aimed to improve the treatment of key uncertainties in climate change impact, adaptation and vulnerability analysis. In the project, FMI compiled and evaluated RCP-based climate model projections for Finland, constructed daily gridded datasets of a number of climatic variables, assessed climate change impacts on human health, provided guidance to end-users and exported up-to-date information to Funding: Academy of Finland. Contact: Kirsti Jylhä.
SIETO (2017-2018) is a targeted assessment and development project. It will 1) prepare a national weather and climate vulnerability and change assessment based on literature and expert workshop output; 2) prepare a plan how vulnerability and risk assessments should be conducted in the future to support the Climate Act and other national and international policy needs; and 3) prepare a plan how to develop the production and collection of information and data for future vulnerability and risk assessments. Funding: Government's analysis, assessment and research activities. Contact: Heikki Tuomenvirta.
SSWSS (Severe Weather Warning Services for Sri Lanka, 2016-2018). The project will develop tailored thunderstorm and heavy rainfall warning and prediction applications for Sri Lanka and verify them based on lightning location observations. Also, the Finnish industry partners in the project (Vaisala, Profium and Noviaria) will develop 1) tailored smart phone applications to be tested among the selected end users in Sri Lanka and 2) business models which would be usable in other developing economies as well. Funding: Tekes-BEAM (50% Tekes, 50% Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Contact: Antti Mäkelä.
TWASE (Towards better tailored weather and marine forecasts in the Arctic to serve sustainable economic activities and infrastructure, 2015-2018). The objectives of TWASE are to a) Identify, classify, prioritise and conceptualise the user needs of WMS for developing sustainable economic activities in the Arctic, b) improve the predictability of Arctic weather, marine and sea ice conditions and their consequences on navigation, aviation, and wind energy production, and c) evaluate and optimize, together with the end-users, the benefits of the improved WMS to enhance the development of sustainable economy and infrastructure in the Arctic. The Climate Service Centre is responsible for the objective c). Funding: Academy of Finland. Contact: Adriaan Perrels (Project leader: Timo Vihma).
Weather work (New weather and climate tools for forest-based bioeconomy, 2018–2020). Forest-based bioeconomy has a major role in promoting low-carbon and resource-efficient society and sustainable economic development. Especially in northern Europe, climate change is predicted to increase forest growth and timber supply. Unfortunately, variable weather conditions and high-impact events such as wind storms, excess snow loads, and drought and forest fires can have a negative influence on forest productivity, and expose trees additionally to biotic hazards. Changes in soil frost conditions will complicate tree harvesting from wet soils, as well. When aiming at optimizing forest management for different ecosystem services, we have to consider increasing climate induced risks for forests. Climate and weather services and related research has a crucial role in providing new climate data products and multidisciplinary and end-user oriented research findings to support risk management activities at different spatial and temporal scales. In this project, we will further develop and facilitate deployment of new climate datasets and forecasting services aiming at enhancing the services needed by the forest-based bioeconomy. As well, commercial use of developed new services and products will be surveyed. Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Previous projects
ACCLIM (2006-2010) The changing climate in Finland: estimates for adaptation studies. The main outcomes of the ACCLIM project included; (i) return periods of extreme weather events based on observations at twelve weather stations, (ii) climate scenarios and probabilistic estimates of changes in climate over Finland based on an analysis of global and regional climate model simulations, (iii) guidance in the use of climate information in climate change impacts and adaptation research. Funded by: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Contact: Kirsti Jylhä
ADAPT (2012-2016). Joint research project between the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the University of Eastern Finland for understanding the potential impact of climate change on forest growth and management. Weather and climate analyses focused on the combined effect of storms, unfrozen soil conditions, snow loads and sensitivity to forest fires. Funding: Academy of Finland. Contact: Ari Venäläinen.
CAREPOL The study investigated the use of climate change research information and climate change scenario data in policy making, and the communication between researchers and policy makers. Contact: Heikki Tuomenvirta
CORE-CLIMAX (2013-2015). Project focused on assuring the quality of the essential climate variables measured by satellites and determining their utilization rate. This information is critical for numerical weather prediction models; both in data assimilation, and in creating re-analyses. Global re-analyses were compared to local re-analyses. The potential for utilizing the information mentioned above were mapped by user surveys. Deliverable D552, Reanalysis and user needs with respect to Climate Change Services. Funding: EU FP7.
CCCRP (2009-2011), Climate change information dissemination portal. Contact: Juha A. Karhu
CONBIO (2016). The objective of CONBIO was (1) to assess the potential of continuous cover forestry to integrate wood production, climate change mitigation and biodiversity protection, and (2) to analyse the effectiveness, speed, and path dependence of relevant cognitive-behavioral policy instruments for nudging the forest owners' choices with respect to mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The FMI provided information on the occurrence of drought and windthrow in the future under different climate scenarios and analyse their role in modelling continuous cover forestry. Funding: HENVI. Contact: Antti Mäkelä
DECADE (2011-2015) Decadal climate prediction in adaptation to climate change. One of the objectives was to provide evidence of the decadal climate variability and predictability in the Nordic Region with the aim to assess the impact on forest growth, and energy production and demand. This project built on the expertise of three parties: the Finnish Meteorological Institute, the Department of Forest Sciences from the University of Helsinki, and the School of Economics at Aalto University. Funding: Academy of Finland.
EAKR-ILKKA (2012-2014) The objective of FMI was to map how the strength of the urban heat island effect depends on the weather type. The goal of the project was also to add information of the city-specific extreme weather events and climate change impacts. The research was carried out in cooperation with the University of Turku and city of Turku. The results were also be presented in the web portal.
ELASTINEN (2015-2016) project provided information and sought solutions for strengthening the capabilities of different sectors to assess and manage risks related to weather, climate, and economic impacts. The project also aimed to decrease the vulnerability of Finnish society and increase its adaptive capacity to changing climate. Funding: Government's analysis, assessment and research activities. Contact: Hilppa Gregow.
ENSURE The study assessed the costs and benefits of ecosystem services in cities, with special reference to effects of climate and climate change.
FP7 CRISMA project developed an integrated planning and decision support tool set for crises response to potentially disastrous weather events with immediate, extensive, and lasting consequences for population and society. The project included five elaborate pilots, which function as testing ground for the models and concepts (further) developed in CRISMA. Two of these pilots concerned severe Nordic winter storms and Western-European coastal flooding respectively, thereby representing extreme weather events which are typically expected to occur more frequently in many parts of Europe as a result of climate change. FMI (departments 'Weather & Safety' and 'Climate change research') contributed to CRISMA with respect to (1) extreme weather scenarios, (2) crisis management pilot in Nordic area, and (3) economic impact assessment of natural hazards.
FP7 EWENT The objective of the project was to assess the impacts and consequences of extreme weather events on EU transport system. The project also aimed to monetise considered impacts. EWENT also evaluated the efficiency, applicability and finance needs for adaptation and mitigation measures which will dampen and reduce the costs of weather impacts. The methodological approach was based on generic risk management framework that follows a standardised process from identification of hazardous phenomena (extreme weather), followed by impact assessment and closed by mitigation and risk control measures. Funded by: EU. Contact: Heikki Tuomenvirta
FP7 MOWE-IT project assessed factors that prerequisite cross-modal transferability between the air and surface-based European transport systems in order to protect the passengers, shippers, European institutions and citizens against travel delays, cancellations and/or stoppages in freight transfer caused by extreme weather and/or other natural disasters. The project assessed how the companies in passenger and freight transport comply with the European users rights protection legislation shielding theses parties against travel delays, cancellations and/or disruptions, and in case of gaps in conformity, propose new guidelines for cross-modal alignment of decision-making, capacity planning and reserve-building models at transport service and infrastructure providers in addition to incentive structures and policy instruments for more effective legislation enforcement. Such an assessment also drew from the possibilities to use weather and other information technologies to aid the transport system and operators.
EXWE/SAFIR2014 (2011-2014). The focus was on the evaluation of climate events that are not observed but are possible in theory, together with studying future climate and climate model results through statistical and dynamical methods. The overall objective of the research was to produce a comprehensive study about the frequency, intensity, spatial and temporal variation and the impacts of the extreme weather and sea level events that are relevant from the point of safety of nuclear power plants, as well as clarify the influence of climate change on these. Contact: Kirsti Jylhä
FRAME Future envelope assemblies and HVAC solutions. One aim was to produce Up-to-date weather data for building energy calculations representing typical weather conditions in Finland in the current climate and in the anticipated future climate.
FUME (2009-2013) Project aimed at evaluating how climate variability and change, and societal changes in the last decades have affected forest fires in Europe. Funded by: EU FP7.
ILMAPUSKURI (2013-2016). Project studied how climate change adaptation measures in agriculture could improve production systems and methods at both the regional and national level. This project generated important knowledge on how the vulnerability of agriculture could be reduced and how the buffering ability and resilience could be improved with regard to climate change, climate variability, and changes in the occurrence and strength of extreme weather events. The project was carried out in cooperation with MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Funding: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Contact: Kimmo Ruosteenoja.
IRTORISKI The study investigated how the use of cost benefit analysis in climate change adaptation planning can be streamlined such as to be useful both for initial prioritisation of natural hazards according to their risk and for initial comparison of measures regarding a particular hazard, while avoiding complex model exercises.
MERMAID (Identifying Risks and Opportunities for Marine Transport and Tourism in the Arctic) (2014-2016). Socio-economic scenario-based assessment for the Eurasian Arctic. The project assessed the drivers of change in the Eurasian Arctic and the role of Russia, and assessed and defined measures to reduce risks and harness benefits in the Arctic from the Finnish perspective. The project supported the implementation of the Arctic Strategy of Finland and preparations for the Finland's chairmanship of the Arctic Council 2016. Funding Agency: Prime Minister's Office. Contact: Adriaan Perrels
MERSU (until 30.4.2017) evaluated the impacts of environmental regulation on Finnish business sector. The project considered especially the maritime cluster, winter navigation, logistics and cleantech. The assessments were based on set of actor interviews within maritime cluster and ship traffic emission modeling and macroeconomic modeling. Funding: Government's analysis, assessment and research activities. Contact: Riina Haavisto
NONAM (NOrdic Network for Adaptive Management) is a Nordic network for promoting co-operation and knowledge exchange among Nordic climate change and adaptation researchers with a particular focus on risk management and decision support with respect to adaptation policy development and related investments, notably regarding infrastructures of various kinds (energy, transport, water & sanitation, communication) and the overarching planning and management systems that create the context in which these systems are designed and operated. The network's activities culminated in the organisation (together with a fellow network NORDCLAD-Net) of a large Adaptation Conference in Helsinki 29-31 August 2012. More information, presentation material, etc. of the conference can be found on the conference website.
PERU-AQUAFUTURA (2012-2016) The main research problem of the project was how to develop decision support systems taking into account the societal context of a rapidly growing and developing community to manage the risks related to climate variability and change of the Peruvian water resources sustainably. Understanding climatic variability and anticipation of climate changes in selected regions are essential for the long-term socio-economic plans and policies. Variability and changes of regional climate can influence environmental conditions in many aspects. The project had two complementary approaches. Firstly, the most up-to-date tools in earth system science were used to analyse hydro-climatic variability in Peru and surrounding regions for producing climate change scenarios. Secondly, the use of hydro-climatic information in the planning process and risk management at water resources, agriculture and urban planning was evaluated and an operable agenda for decision making support system and climate-related risk management were developed. Funding: Academy of Finland. Contact: Adriaan Perrels.
POSIVA 2013 Climate projections in the scale of 300 to 100.000 years to be used in design of the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel. The study utilized both paleoclimatological records and climate model simulations.
RAIN (Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks in Response to Extreme Weather, 2013-2016). Project contributed to minimising the impact of extreme weather events on transport, energy and telecommunication networks. The project developed early warning systems, decision support tools and engineering solutions to ensure rapid reinstatement of the network. The FMI contributed to the identification of extreme weather events, assessment of predictability and the probability of extreme weather hazards in the present and the projected future climate. Funding: EU FP7. Contact: Andrea Vajda.
RECAST The main objective of the study was to assess the impacts of climate change induced uncertainty and growth of weather variability on the social and economic coping range of selected infrastructure and real estate, with the aim to generate insights, methods and procedures that enable better adaptation to climate change.
SAFE-MET (2011-2014) The overall aims of the project were to examine, propose and test ways to strengthen societies' resilience to climate and weather-related hazards and to enhance the multi-disciplinary climate change research in Zambia and Malawi. To reach these aims, the project had two inter-linked themes. First one was to improve Malawi's and Zambia's preparedness for natural disasters by evaluating and improving the current meteorological network and early warning systems. Early warning systems were assessed both from operational and financial viewpoint. A well-functioning meteorological observation network and early warning system were linked to the second theme with the focus on adaptation to climate change and disaster risk management. The second theme studied climate change adaptation in agriculture and aid supply chains, and analyzed the linkages between disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. In addition to Finnish Meteorological Institute, the responsible parties were the Hanken School of Economics and the University of Tampere. Funded by: Academy of Finland.
SETUKLIM The project created scenarios for future climate in Finland by using CMIP5 climate model projections. In addition, it estimated the frequency distribution of low and high temperatures in the future; developed methods and estimated variability in the water level at the Finnish coast and probabilities of extreme situations in the future; collected and produced estimates on e.g. changes in short-lived downpours and heavy snowfall in the future.
FP7 ToPDAd project developed state-of-the-art socioeconomic methods and tools for an integrated assessment supporting regional adaptation decision-making. Based on these, conjectures with respect to EU level policies for the considered sectors Energy, Transport, as well as, Tourism were made. Two time frames were specified; 2010-2050 and 2050-2100 for mid-term and long-term strategy formulations. Regional strategies and EU-level policies need to be consistent across the time frames in order to avoid maladaptation. ToPDAd also co-operated with and contributed to the European Climate Adaptation Platform (DCLIMATE-ADAPT).
TULUVAT (in Finnish only) The project tested and selected games, models and other IT material for education on climate change in high schools in Finland and tested IT-technology in research communication to schools (webinars), and established a network of teachers interested in teaching climate change topics. Contact: Heikki Tuomenvirta
VACCIA (2009-2011) Vulnerability Assessment of ecosystem services for Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation. Funded by: EU LIFE+.
ViVoTiVi (Climate change – Visuality to Science Communication, 2013-2016). The aim of the project was to enhance the ability to bring research information related to climate change into public debate and decision making. This was done by adding new services including effective data visualization means to the website and increasing possibilities for user interaction. Funding: The Finnish Society for Scientific Information (Tieteen tiedotus ry). Contact: Sanna Luhtala.