Climate change adaptation: regional aspects and policy instruments (SUOMI)
SUOMI is a project of the Finnish Climate Panel. The project is coordinated by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. It produces synthesized information for the preparation of the National Adaptation Plan and the Climate Change Act. It focuses especially on regionally accurate risk assessments in current and future climates as well as on the instruments and the costs and benefits of climate change adaptation.

Project description
The aim of the SUOMI project is to bring together scientists and climate knowledge providers who promote adaptation to climate change. SUOMI is a project that summarizes knowledge gained in several past and ongoing projects. But it contains other dimensions as well: teaching, interaction, and network management.
The project supports the work of the Finnish Monitoring group on climate change adaptation. It produces the most up-to-date synthesis information about the state of adaptation as well as about current and still needed adaptation efforts in Finland as part of the Arctic.
SUOMI project has four work packages:
Regionally accurate risk assessments of the already changed climate – state 1991–2020 (FMI, UH, SYKE, Luke)
Regionally accurate risk assessment of new critical risks for 2020–2050 (FMI)
The Climate Change Act and other climate change adaptation instruments (UH, Aalto)
The costs and benefits of climate change adaptation (FMI, UH, SYKE, Luke)
SUOMI project uses existing data produced in other research projects. The project will organize co-development workshops especially about building a model for adaptation monitoring.
Project information
Duration: 1.5.2020–30.4.2022
Partners: Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI, coordinator), University of Helsinki (UH), Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), and Aalto University
Funding: Ministry of the Environment
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