Applications of Weather and Climate Information
Our group supports the functionality of society in changing weather and climate conditions. The group has expertise on microclimates in the natural environment and human health. We raise climate awareness through climate communication activities. To stakeholders and society, we provide data and map services as part of the FMI’s services.
The group studies weather and climate impacts on natural environment, e.g., forests and Arctic regions. We investigate the weather and climate-related human health risks, such as vector-borne diseases and the conditions for their occurrence.
We develop novel microclimatic impact modelling and related measurements for very fine spatial and temporal scales.
We provide climate information, including cost-benefit analyses, to support decision making.
In addition, experts from the group participate in the editorial board of the FMI's monthly Climate Bulletin and the coordination of the national climate change portal, Experts of the group are also involved in the development of the service processes of the FMI and in international development projects.