Air Quality

The Air Quality Group investigates the formation, sources, temporal and spatial variation of gaseous and particulate air pollutants, and the reasons for the observed variations. The group has a comprehensive range of data collected in international measurement programs, from traditional inorganic sulfur and nitrogen compounds and heavy metals to mercury and various organic compounds. Our important research topic is reactive volatile organic compounds. In our group, we analyze pollutant concentrations from air and precipitation samples, maintain a national air quality reference and calibration laboratory, and provide air quality expertise at the national and international level.

Neljän kuvan kollaasi ilmanlaadun laboratorion toiminnoista: Kuvakaappaus Ilmatieteen laitoksen Ilmanlaatu nyt-sivusta, kuvia ilmanlaadun kenttämittauksista ja laboratoriotyöskentelystä.

More information about our tasks:

Atmospheric chemistry research

The group studies e.g. atmospheric reactive compounds and their sources and effects on air chemistry.

Air quality monitoring

The group is responsible for monitoring air quality in the background areas in accordance with European Union regulations and implements other international air quality measurement programs.

Reference and calibration laboratory

The group is responsible for the quality of measurements made in Finland and for arranging training and reference measurements. In addition, the group maintains national primary standards for gases and provides calibration services.

Air quality now

Check the current air quality situation in Finland on our website.

Training and consulting

Our group contributes to international consulting on capacity building of air quality in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.