CV Karri Saarnio

Fields of expertise
Gas analysis metrology
Calibrations of trace gases and greenhouse gases
Measurements of trace gases and particulate matter
Reference methods and standardization
University and other degrees
M.Sc. (Chemistry), University of Helsinki, 2003
PhD (Analytical Chemistry), University of Helsinki, 2013
Previous professional appointments
Senior research scientist at Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, 2014–current
Research scientist at Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, 2003–2013
Other professional activities
FMI contact person for EURAMET (the European Association of National Metrology Institutes), 2019–current
Member in the technical committee SFS/SR215 on Air Quality by the Finnish Standards Association, 2018–current
Member in the CEN/TC 264 Air Quality working groups WG 12 (Ambient air - VOCs/SO2/NO2/O3/CO), WG 15 (Ambient air - PM10/PM2,5) and WG 42 (Ambient air - Air quality sensors) by the European Committee for Standardization, 2018–current
Technical Assessor for the Finnish Accreditation Service FINAS, 2019–current
Member in the FMI security group, 2014–2017
Employee representative, 2008–2010