CV Heidi Hellén

Title Head of Group
Postal address PL 503, FI-00101 Helsinki
Street address Erik Palménin aukio 1, FI-00560 Helsinki
Fields of expertise
Atmospheric chemistry
Air quality
VOC measurements
Organic compounds in the atmosphere
Reactive trace gases and total reactivity
University and other degrees
Adjunct professor (Docent) of Air chemistry, University of Helsinki 2019
PhD in Analytical Chemistry, University of Helsinki 2006
M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry, University of Helsinki 2001
Previous professional appointments
Head of Air Quality group at Finnish Meteorological institute, Helsinki, Finland 2018–
Academy research fellow at Finnish Meteorological institute, Helsinki, Finland 2014–2019
Postdoctoral researcher at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, 2007
Senior research scientist at Finnish Meteorological institute, Helsinki, Finland 2006–2014
Research scientist at Finnish Meteorological institute, Helsinki, Finland 2001–2006