POSTPONED: The 20th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing

DUE TO CURRENT RESTRICTIONS IN TRAVELING the 20th International Symposium for the Advancement of Boundary-Layer Remote Sensing (ISARS) WILL BE POSTPONED.

Reliable representation of the continuously evolving atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) structure is essential for numerical weather prediction, forecasting air quality in urban regions, and for climate models. Diurnal evolution of ABL exhibits significant variability between different environments, which makes measuring and modeling ABL processes a very demanding task. The processes occur with temporal and spatial scales ranging from seconds to one day and from meters to kilometers vertically as well as up to 100 km horizontally. For instance, the scales involved with ABL turbulence, which mixes gases, particles, temperature, moisture, and momentum vertically, are mostly outside the scales that models can represent.

Wind speed and direction profiles are also one of the most important but not yet adequately measured atmospheric parameters within the atmopheric boundary layer. Hence, ABL parameterisation schemes are essential in decreasing uncertainties in model predictions. Model parameterisation necessarily requires in-depth studies and long-term data sets, which collectively cover sufficient amount of different type of environments on Earth.

ISARS2020 brings together scientists using ground-based remote sensing methods to monitor and investigating the structure and processes of ABL.

Scientific Themes

Developments in Ground-based Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL)

  • Advances in observational networks using ground-based remote sensing

  • Combining ground-based and satellite remote sensing

  • Multi-instrument retrievals and applications

  • Evaluation and assessment of ground-based remote sensing systems

  • New instruments and approaches (including integration with surface micrometeorology and drones)

  • Physical basis for the remote sensing of the ABL

Atmospheric Boundary Layer Studies

  • Measurements of ABL state and process variables

  • ABL structure in complex terrain and urban areas

  • ABL structure in different environments (continental, maritime, coastal, polar)

  • Measurements of key ABL processes (e.g. turbulence, entrainment, surface interaction, low-level-jet, waves)

  • Challenges in Observing, Parameterizing and Modeling Shallow Stable Boundary Layers

  • Interdisciplinary studies (including atmospheric chemistry and biogeochemistry)

Atmospheric Modelling and Ground-Based ABL Remote Sensing

  • ABL in numerical models (LES, NWP, GCM/SCM, Air Quality, CAMS,...)

  • Model assessment and model validation

  • Data assimilation trials

  • Parameterization development

ABL Applications

  • Short-term forecasting

  • Severe Weather

  • Wind & Solar Energy

  • Air Quality

  • Aviation

  • Climatology

Abstract submission

Instructions for abstract preparation

Abstracts related to the scientific themes are welcome! The abstracts to be submitted to the symposium should be .pdf documents including the following information

  • Title of the abstract

  • First and last names of the authors

  • The affiliations of the authors

  • Contact information (i.e. email address) of the presenting author 

  • The scientific abstract text

The maximum length of the abstract is two A4 pages. Please use template for the abstract. Download the template (.doc) here.

Please submit your abstract through email to isars2020(at)