Severe thunderstorm warning
Severe thunderstorm warnings contains warnings on thunderstorm gusts.
Strong wind gusts may occur in connection with thunderstorms, causing a lot of damage. Severe thunderstorm warnings contains warnings on thunderstorm gusts. There are not any lightning warnings, but in emergency warnings there are.

The pine forest felled by the plunge flow on 29 June 2020 in Kajaani. Photo: Matti Kämäräinen
There are three different awareness levels for thunderstorm gusts.
The warning is issued when the wind in thunderstorm gusts is
more than 15 m/s (yellow warning)
more than 25 m/s (orange warning)
more than 30 m/s (red warning).
Warnings on thunder gusts are issued max. five days in advance.
For more information about other wind warnings, see page on wind warnings.