Solar-Induced Vegetation Fluorescence Studies
During photosynthesis, a small fraction of the absorbed light energy is re-emitted as solar-induced fluorescence (SIF) in the form of longer-wavelength light (650-800) nm. This fluorescence signal provides valuable information about the photosynthetic activity, vegetation carbon uptake, and physiological status of plants.

In our group, we carry out a research line dedicated to the remote sensing retrieval of the Solar-induced Vegetation Fluorescence (SIF) signal. Our development line focuses on (1) disentangling the atmospheric contribution at the SIF spectral emission range through atmospheric correction techniques and (2) developing a flexible SIF retrieval method.
Scientific activities 💡
The SIFFI retrieval algorithm
SIFFI (Siffi Is For Fluorescence Inference) is a novel Bayesian retrieval technique designed for the flexible and robust estimation of spectrally resolved fluorescence spectra. SIFFI utilizes non-parametric spectral representations for both fluorescence and surface reflectance, enabling its application to distinct spectral ranges from 650 nm to 800 nm. (Paper under review).
Fluorescence monitoring with the FLOX box
We monitor SIF diurnally during the summer months on distinct research stations in Finnish Lapland covering different ecosystems. In the summer of 2023, we measured SIF in the research station of Lompolonjänkkä (wetland ecosystem). These activities are encompassed as part of the ArcticSIF Research Council of Finland project.

Atmospheric correction for fluorescence retrievals
Retrieving spectrally-resolve SIF signal or integrated total SIF emission (650-800) nm is still a challenge not measured with remote sensing instruments on board satellite platforms. Providing SIF spectrally-resolved estimates implies an accurate characterization of the potential atmospheric coupled effects in the measured radiance signal. In our group, we participate in the preparatory activities of the ESA FLEX Earth Explorer mission, contributing to the development of the processor's atmospheric correction step.
See more about the ESA FLEX mission here
Project recent activities
DISC ESA project | 2024-2030 |
ArcticSIF project | 2023-2027 |
DEFLOX ESA project | 2022-2023 |
SAL2P ESA project |2018-2023 |
FluoSYN Finland Research Council grant | 2018-2021 |