CV Reija Ruuhela

Fields of expertise
Health impacts of weather and climate
Climate risk assessment
Climate variability and change
Adaptation to climate change
International consulting on capacity building of climate services
University and other degrees
2018: PhD (meteorology), University of Helsinki
Previous professional appointments
Head of Group, Climate Service Centre, November 2009 – April 2014
Project manager, meteorologist, Climate Service and Climate Change Research, FMI, 2004-2009, on leave June 2008 – April 2009
Coordinator, Climate Change Adaptation Research Programme ISTO, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, June 2008 – April 2009
Head of Central Forecasting, FMI, 1996–2003
Freelance TV-meteorologist, channel MTV3, 1992–1999
Meteorologist and senior meteorologist in operational forecasting, FMI, 1990–1995
Science teacher in Pakistan International School, Cairo, Egypt, 1988–1989
Assistant researcher in Department of Physics (aerosol physics), University of Helsinki, 1986–1988