CV Priit Tisler

University and other degrees
2006, Ph.D. in meteorology, University of Helsinki, Finland
2002, Ph.Lic. in meteorology, University of Helsinki, Finland
1994, M.Sc. in physics, University of Tartu, Estonia
1990, Diploma cum laude in physics, University of Tartu, Estonia
List of publications
Tisler, P., 2006. Aspects of weather simulation by numerical process, Finnish Meteorological Institute Contributions, No.53, 110 p.
Tisler, P., Gregow, E., Niemelä, S. and Savijärvi, H., 2005. Wind field prediction in coastal zone: operational mesoscale model evaluation and simulations with increased horizontal resolution. Accepted (1st Nov 2005) to publish in the Journal of Coastal Research.
Tisler, P., Zapadinsky, E., Kulmala, M., 2005. Initiation of rain by turbulence-induced condensational growth of cloud droplets, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 32, L06806, doi:10.1029/2004GL021969, 2005.
Rantamäki, M., Pohjola, M. A., Tisler, P., Bremer, P., Kukkonen, J. and Karppinen, A., 2005. Evaluation of two versions of the HIRLAM numerical weather prediction model during an air pollution episode in southern Finland. Atmospheric Environment, 39 (2005), 2775-2786.
Savijärvi H., Niemelä S. and Tisler, P., 2005, Coastal winds and low level jets: Simulations for sea gulfs. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 131, No. 606, 625-638.
Tisler, P., Savijärvi, H., 2004. On the parameterization of precipitation in warm clouds. In Proceedings of Baltic HIRLAM Workshop, St. Petersburg, 17-20.11.2003, p.25-27.
Tisler, P., 2004. HIRLAM wind forecasts near the coastline. HIRLAM Newsletter, 45, May 2004, p.99-104.
Savijärvi, H., Kauhanen, J., Lauros, J., Matthews, S., Määttänen, A., Niemelä, S., Prazzini, R and Tisler, P. 2003. Numerical studies of atmospheric processes and atmospheric flows on Earth and Mars, In: CSC Report on Scientific Computing 2001-2003, p.201-203.
Tisler, P., 2003. Beaufort wind scale and supercomputing, The Scandinavian Schipping Gazette, No.20, p.45-46.
Tisler, P., 2002. Marine boundary layer winds and HIRLAM, In: Abstracts of "Seminar on Wind Forecasting", Physicum, Helsinki, 9-10.9.2002.
Tisler, P., 2002. Microphysical Realtionships in Warm Clouds: Some aspects of Droplet Growth, Interactions and Precipitation. Thesis for Phil. Lic. In Meteorology, University of Helsinki, 55 p
Tisler, P., 2002. Microphysical Realtionships in Warm Clouds: Some aspects of Droplet Growth, Interactions and Precipitation. Thesis for Phil. Lic. In Meteorology, University of Helsinki, 55 p
Kulmala, M., Vesala, T., Aalto, P., Buzorius, G., Dal Maso, M., Keronen, P., Markkanen, T., Rannik, Ü., Suni, T., Väkevä, M., Savijärvi, H., Tisler, P., Hari, P., Altimir, N., Raivonen, M., Viisanen, Y., Kerminen, V.-M., Aalto, T., Anttila, T., Aurela, M., Hatakka, J., Hillamo, R., Laurila, T., Paatero, J., Teinilä, K., Kyrö, E., Suortti, T., Nevanlinna, H., Pulkkinen, T., Laaksonen, A., Kokkola, H., Romakkaniemi, S., Sorjamaa, R., 2002. Climate-biosphere interactions (CORE). In: j. Käyhkö and L. Talve (eds.) Understanding the Global System, The Finnish Perspective, p. 41-53.
Pirazzini, R., Vihma, T., Launiainen, J. and Tisler, P., 2002. Validation of HIRLAM boundary-layer structures over the Baltic Sea. Boreal Environ. Res., Vol.7, p.211-218.
Tisler, P., Savijärvi, H.., 2002. On the parameterization of precipitation in warm clouds. Atmospheric Research 63, p.163-176.
Tisler, P., 2001: On the parameterization of the effective radius in layer clouds with bimodal distribution. In: Kulmala, M. and Hienola, J. (eds.), Seminar on Climate-biOspheRE (CORE) Helsinki 5.3.2001. Finnish Association for Aerosol Research, Report series in aerosol science, No.51, p.40-45.
Pirazzini, R., Vihma, T., Launiainen, J. and Tisler, P., 2001. HIRLAM verification over the Baltic Sea. In: Meywerk, J. (ed.), Proc. of Third Study Conference on BALTEX, 2.-6.7.2001, Mariehamn, Finland, Int. BALTEX Secreteriat Publ. No.20, p.179-180.
Tisler, P., Savijärvi, H., 2001. On the parameterization of precipitation in warm clouds for weather forecast and climate models. In: Finnish Global Change Research Programme (FIGARE 1999-2002), Annual meeting "Integrated Global Change Research" 17-18.9.2001, Aulanko, Hämeenlinna, Poster Abstracts, 1p.
Tisler, P., Fortelius C., 1999: Verification of HIRLAM marine boundary layer winds. In: Pettersson, H. and Rontu, L. (eds). Proc.; Workshop on modelling of the marine-atmospheric boundary layer, Helsinki 7-8.12.1998, Meri, Report series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research, No.40, p.15-18.
Tisler P., 1999: HIRLAM and marine boundary layer winds. In: Danish National Council for Oceanology, Norske Havforskeres Forening, Svenska Havsforskningföreningen. 2nd Nordic Marine Sciences Meeting, Hirtshals 2-4.3.1999, Abstracts, p.62.
Eerola K., Järvenoja S., Tisler P., Fortelius C., 1999: Limited area modelling at the Finnish Meteorological Institute in 1997-1998. In: Report of the 20th EWGLAM meeting and the 5th SRNWP network meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5-9.10.1999, LAM Newsletter, No.28, p.62-69.