CV Petri Räisänen

Title Senior research scientist
Postal address Finnish Meteorological Institute, POB 503, 00101 HELSINKI FINLAND
Street address Erik Palménin Aukio 1, 00560 HELSINKI FINLAND
Phone number +358 29 539 2224
Fax +358 29 539 3503
Fields of expertise
Radiative transfer in the atmosphere and in snow
Climate modelling
University and other degrees
1993, M.Sc. (meteorology), University of Helsinki, Finland
1999, Ph.D. (meteorology), University of Helsinki, Finland
2006, Docent (meteorology), University of Helsinki, Finland
Previous professional appointments
University of Helsinki: Research assistant, researcher and assistant: 1993-2001
Dalhousie University: Potdoctoral Fellow, 2001-2004