CV Mikko Strahlendorff
Fields of expertise
2014, Arctic Science Summit Week and Arctic Observing Summit OC co-chair
2014, EU Horizon 2020 Space and SC5 committee expert
2011-2014, Euro4M FP7 project reviewer
2010-2013, EU FP7/Space and FP7/Environment committee expert
2011, GMES and Climate Change conference organizer
2010-2011, GMES Climate Change Experts Group
2008-2010, EU-Russia Space Dialogue Earth Observation working group co-chair
2007-2010, European Commission representative in numerous international conferences and workshops, round tables and presentations
2006 November, WMO TECO WIS and CBS Finnish delegate
2006 from April Finnish Meteorological Institute representative in Nordrad (Nordic weather radar network cooperation group)
2006 March, SIDS Caribbean AutoWeather project facts finding mission, Jamaica, Trinidad and Cuba
2004-2007 second representative for Finland COST 353: Winter Service Strategies for Increased European Road Safety, 10 meetings around Europe, multiple presentations
2005 December, ECMWF, Workshop on Meteorological Operational Systems, Reading, no presentation
2005 June, EGOWS, Exeter, presentation 'SISU development program'
2005 April, Finnish Meteorological Institute delegation member in Roshydromet:yearly conference in Kislovodsk, presentation on FMI forecast process
2004 June, EGOWS (European working Group on Operational WorkStations), Potsdam, presentation 'Future Roles of Forecasters
2003 EUMETSAT Ops working group meetings, second finnish delegate
2002 Metacast User Group, Oslo
2001 Metacast User Group (TV weather production software), Paris
University and other degrees
1992-2003 Master of Philosophy in Meteorology
1992 Deutsche Schule Helsinki, Marticular Examination