CV Hilkka Timonen

Fields of expertise
Atmospheric aerosol and emission studies
Aerosol composition, primary and secondary emissions
Carbonaceous aerosols, Black carbon, Brown carbon
Aerosol mass spectrometry
Low-cost sensors
Business Finland/BC Footprint, BC emissions, atmospheric concentrations and metrics;
H2020/RI-URBANs, Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS
Jane ja Aatto Erkko Foundation/ Proof-of-Concept: Compact and precise sensor for global black carbon monitoring
H2020/SCIPPER, Shipping Contributions to Inland Pollution Push for the Enforcement of Regulations,
University and other degrees
Docent (Aerosol physics/aerosol composition analysis), Tampere University of Technology, 1.7.2016
Ph.D in physics, University of Helsinki 2011
M.Sc. in chemistry, University of Eastern Finland
Previous professional appointments
Senior research scientist at Finnish Meteorological institute, 2013-2020
Visiting scientist at VTT Technical Research centre, 01.10.-31.12.2016
Post-doctoral scientist at University of Washington, USA, 2011 – 2013
Research scientist at Finnish Meteorological institute, Helsinki, Finland 2004 – 2011
Researcher at Disperse Technologies plc., UK, 2001-2002
Teaching assistant at University of Helsinki, 2000-2001