CV Annalea Lohila
Title PhD, Associate professor (tenure track)
Postal address Finnish Meteorological Institute, Climate System Research, P.O.Box 503 FIN-00101 Helsinki Finland
Street address Erik Palménin Aukio 1
Phone number +358 50 366 3242
Fields of expertise
Atmosphere-ecosystem interactions
Greenhouse gas flux measurements
Biogeochemical cycles
Climate impacts of landuse on peatlands
University and other degrees
1998: M.Sc. (Environmental Science), University of Kuopio (currently University of Eastern Finland)
2008: PhD (Environmental Science), University of Kuopio
2013: Docent, University of Eastern Finland
Previous professional appointments
2019- : Associate professor, Finnish Meteorological Institute and Institute for atmospheric and Earth system research (INAR), University of Helsinki
2008-2018 Senior researcher, Finnish Meteorological Institute
Other professional activities
Lead author in IPCC AR6
Subject editor in Global Change Biology