CV Andrea Vajda

Fields of expertise
Climate-surface-vegetation interactions
Climate of Lapland
Forest fire risk assessment
Climate change impact analysis
Extreme weather events
Seasonal forecast applications
ERA4CS SERV_FORFIRE (2017-2020), Integrated services and approaches for Assessing effects of climate change and extreme events for fire and post fire risk prevention (PI at FMI)
ERA4CS INDECIS (2017-2020), Integrated approach for the development across Europe of user oriented climate indicators for GFCS high-priority sectors: agriculture, disaster risk reduction, energy, health, water and tourism
SA CLIPS Climate services supporting public activities and safety (co-leader between Sep 2016-Aug 2017)
C3S project CLIM4ENERGY (2016-2019), a service providing climate change indicators tailored for the energy sector (PI and WP leader)
Project Seasonal forecast (2016-2020), focusing on the development of seasonal forecast services for Finland and its adjacent areas (Project manager)
EU FP7 project RAIN (2013-2016), Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks in response to extreme weather (Project manager at FMI)
EU FP7 project MOWE-IT (2012-2014), Management of weather events in transport system
EU FP7 project EWENT (2009-2012), Extreme Weather Impacts on European Networks of Transport
University and other degrees
2007: PhD degree in Geography, University of Helsinki, Department of Geography
1998: MSc degree in Geography, University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
1997: BSc degree in Geography, University Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Previous professional appointments
2015 September – 2017 December, Head of Group, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Climate Applications
2001–2015 September, Research Scientist, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki
1998–2001 Teaching assistant, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography, Meteorology-Climatology
1997–1998 Geography teacher, Ady Endre High School and Iosif Vulcan Pedagogical High School, Oradea, Romania
List of publications
Most publications can be found in the ResearchGate profile