CV Adriaan Hendrik Perrels

Fields of expertise
Cost-benefit analysis of weather and climate services
Evaluation of climate change impacts
Evaluation of adaptation strategies and measures
Socio-economic scenario development
Weather and climate in transport
Urban planning and climate change
University and other degrees
Drs. (=M.Sc.) Economics Free University Amsterdam, 1985, with special reference to regional and urban economics, as well as energy economics.
Ph.D. (dr.) Economics, Free University Amsterdam, 1992, subject: strategic planning of electricity systems and the development of a time-of-day demand model.
Docent, University of East Finland (Joensuu), Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, section Law and Economics, as of 2003
Previous professional appointments
Free University Amsterdam (VUA), Faculty of Economics, dept. of spatial and transport economics, Amsterdam, junior researcher energy and transport studies, 1985–1987.
Free University Amsterdam (VUA), Faculty of Economics, dept. of spatial and transport economics, Amsterdam, researcher energy and transport studies / PhD, 1987–1991.
Netherlands Energy Research Centre (ECN) – department of Policy Studies, Petten, The Netherlands, senior researcher Lifestyle and Energy studies, 1992–1998
The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research TNO, Institute for Infrastructure Research INRO*, Delft, The Netherlands, Senior advisor and programme co-ordinator for Economics and Infrastructure, 1998–1999. *) now part of TNO Built Environment and Geosciences
VATT Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki, senior researcher – energy and climate studies, 1999–2001
VATT Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki, principal economist – energy, climate, transport and environment studies, 2001–2009
Other professional activities
Editorial board member of Journal of Climate Services (Elsevier) since 2015
Editorial board member of Energy Efficiency (Springer Science publishers) since 2008
Board member of the Finnish Association of Energy Economists (Suomen Energiaekonomistit) (chapter of the International Association of Energy Economics IAEE): 2007–2011 and since November 2013 (chair)
Member of the research evaluation committee of a Finnish foundation for research funding (Nessling): 2009–2015
Leader of the task team social-economic benefits of weather services (TT-SEB), as part of the WMO European Region (RA_VI) Working Group on Service Delivery and Partnership