Open data

What data has been made available?

The data sets of the open data can be divided into real-time data, time series data and forecast data. The opened materials of the Finnish Meteorological Institute include:

  • weather, sea, climate and air quality observations

  • radar and lightning observations

  • data from the weather forecast models

More detailed descriptions of the data sets made available can be found in a table here:

The data sets are made available in a machine-readable, digital format.

Where can I find instructions on using the open data?

How can I send an open data question?

The open data questions form can be found on the page: There are also links to instructions on the page.

What time zone is used in the open data?

UTC time is used in the open data and in the Download observations service as well.

UTC time differs 3 hours from the Finnish time in the summer and 2 hours in the winter. For example, 6 UTC in is 9 o’clock Finnish time in the summer and 8 o’clock in the winter.

What do the entries -1 and NaN mean in the precipitation data?

The reading -1 means that it has not rained at all. The reading 0 means it has rained but not even 0,1 millimeters has accumulated.

NaN means that the precipitation observation data is missing altogether. This can mean for example that the station in question does not measure precipitation.

Why is there an observation missing in the data set?

Not all observation stations measure the same things, because the observation stations are intended for different purposes. List of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s observation stations

More information on observations can be found also on these pages: guidance to open data observations and weather observation topics

Where can I get information on the terms of use of the open data?

Those utilizing the open data must accept the Creative Commons license to be able to download data.

Get familiar with the license

What does it mean that data sets by the Finnish Meteorological Institute have been made available for use free of charge?

Everyone can search and download data sets by themselves through the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s open data online service free of charge in a machine-readable format.

You can also search for observations with a simple user interface on the website:

Who are the open data sets intended for?

Machine-readable data has interested private application developers, companies, researchers and the end users of the weather information. With its help, many services that benefit citizens have already been implemented.

It is good to remember that the open data is in machine-readable format. Using the data sets requires technological skills and acquiring or building an application intended for utilizing the data. Knowledge of the principles of meteorology is also useful.

You can also search for observations via a simple user interface on the website:

Do I have to pay for the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s services?

If a customer wants the Finnish Meteorological Institute to gather and deliver data sets for the customer’s use, the Finnish Meteorological Institute charges for the delivery costs arising from delivering the data. A fee is also charged for tailoring data sets, producing services and using other than open data sets.

The pricing of the Finnish Meteorological Institute is based on the Ministry of Transport and Communications' decree on the Finnish Meteorological Institute's paid services, as well as the Act and Decree on Criteria for Charges Payable to the State.