Director General and Director General's Office
The Finnish Meteorological Institute is a research and service institute subordinate to the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The Director General is Petteri Taalas.

The Director General's office is responsible for international affairs at Institute level, for relations with stakeholders and for the Institute's internal and external communications.
Contact information
Director General Petteri Taalas The Finnish Meteorological Institute Erik Palménin aukio 1 P.O. Box 503 FI-00100 Helsinki tel.+358 29 539 2201
Chief Scientist Jari Liski tel. +358 40 748 5088 Academy Professor Ari Laaksonen tel. +358 29 539 5530
Head of Cabinet, International Relations Minna Huuskonen tel.+358 29 539 5768 Executive Assistant to the Director General Joanna Saarinen tel.+358 29 539 2201 fax +358 29 539 2203