Sea Statistics

Observing the Baltic Sea and calculating statistics from that data gives essential knowledge for preparing and planning activities on the sea and on shore.

Finnish Meteorological Institute observes the Baltic Sea especially on the Finnish sea areas. Until 2008 the observations were done by the Finnish Institute of Marine Research that was split to the Finnish Meteorological Institute and the Finnish Environment Institute.

Measuring in a marine environment is challenging because the circumstances are tough to the instruments. The transportation, installation and data transportation often has to be done in the middle of the sea. In addition, ice may cause extra problems. That´s why oceanographic observations are not as widely available as weather observations from the land areas.

Records measured in Finnish sea areas are listed on the page Sea Records.

View to sea.
Sea is a challenging but also important environment to observe. Photo: Antti Kangas.

The Normal Period Statistics 1991–2020

The latest 30-year climatological period 1991–2020 also include oceanographic statistics, for the very first time. The most important statistics are gathered on these sub-pages, and the whole publication can be found in HELDA.

Climatological and oceanographic statistics os Finland 1991–2020.
