Past 30 day weather - interactive graph
The daily maximum temperature (red line), minimum temperature (blue line) and precipitation (green column) is shown for the previous 30 days. The dark shaded areas depict the typical values for the maximum and minimum temperatures (percentiles 33,3 – 66,7 %). By clicking on the legend, you can view the mean temperature (grey line) and fairly typical temperatures (light shading; extremes depict once a year temperatures for this time of the year: +- three days). The temperature scale is on the left side of the graph and precipitation scale is on the right side.
You can print the chart or download it as image by clicking the menu icon on the top right corner. Also the data is available to download in CSV format.
The data used in the graphs is calculated based on the closest observation stations which are interpolated into a 10 x 10 km grid. The gridded dataset provides longer term assessments on the regional distribution of weather variables even for locations on which no meteorological observations are available. These values may deviate slightly compared to the values of observation stations. You can read more on the interpolated gridded datasets at the Climateguide-website.