Finnish Meteorological Institute's journalist register privacy notice
General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 679/2016
1. Controller Finnish Meteorological Institute PO Box 503 (Erik Palménin aukio 1) FI-00101 Helsinki, Finland tel. +358 29 539 1000
2. Register contact person Nina Kukkurainen tel. +358 29 539 2121
3. Data Protection Officer Jaana Palmunoksa tel. +358 29 539 2310
4. Name of the register Media contact information register of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s Communications group
5. Purpose of processing personal data The purpose of the processing of personal data: sending surveys or studies.
6. Legal basis for the processing The processing of personal data is based on the institute’s legal obligation. The task of the institute is to produce weather, sea and climate services for the needs of public safety, business life and citizens (section 1 of the Act on the Finnish Meteorological Institute 212/2018).
In addition, authorities must publicise their activities and services as well as the rights and obligations of private individuals and corporations in matters falling within their field of competence. (Act on the Openness of Government Activities 621/1999, section 20). Cooperation with the media is a central part of the Finnish Meteorological Institute’s activities. Cooperation with the media promotes the impact of the activities and the communication of information to citizens. The role of the media is important in, for example, communicating information on weather and conditions that cause danger to citizens. The Finnish Meteorological Institute wishes to develop and maintain an active relationship with the media and develop cooperation with the media. That is why journalists’ views on cooperation are regularly reviewed to develop cooperation and activities.
7. Data content of the register The following data may be processed in the register: person’s contact information: name, work address, phone number, work email, organisation, job title
8. Regular sources of information The data is collected from public sources.
9. Recipients or recipient groups of the personal data Personal data is received by the institute’s Communications group, which is subordinate to the Communications Director. Personal data may be disclosed to subcontractors carrying out communications assignments (for example, reputation or stakeholder studies) for the duration of the assignment.
10. The transfer of personal data outside the EU or EEA No regular disclosures or transfer of data outside the EU or the EEA.
11. Register protection principles The data is collected in a file that is processed only in organisation-specific, firewall-protected networks that require authentication and a password.
12. Retention period and criteria for determining personal data The data is stored for a maximum of 3 years, after which the register is rebuild.
13. The rights of a data subject The data subject may exercise the following rights: - Right to access their personal data - Right to the rectification of their data - Right to the erasure of their data - Right to restrict the processing of their data - Right to object to the processing of their data The request must be made to:
14. The right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority The data subject has the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority if the data subject believes that the processing of the personal data concerning them is in violation of the applicable data protection legislation.