How to find Dynamicum?
Street address is Erik Palménin aukio 1, Helsinki.

From Helsinki Railway Square or Pasila
Nearest bus stops
A.I. Virtasen Aukio.
Kumpula campus, Kustaa Vaasantie. Estimated driving time is 10-12 minutes.
In front of Arabia shopping centre, Hämeentie 109-111. Estimated driving time is 10-12 minutes.
By tram
Tram line 6 from railway station and line 8 from Jätkäsaari stop in front of Arabia shopping centre, Hämeentie 109-111. The tram stop is called "Kumpulan kampus".
You can get to Kumpula from Pasila or Kalasatama by tram number 13. The nearest stop is 'Nylanderinpuisto'.
From the bus and tram stops, walk up the hill towards the university campus area.
From Helsinki-Vantaa Airport
To Helsinki Central Railway station or Pasila
By train You can take commuter train I or P to Helsinki Central Railway station, and bus or tram from there. Trains are more frequent than buses. Regional tickets are also valid on trains.
It is also possible to hop off the train at Pasila, which is only 2 kilometres away from Dynamicum. Take the tram number 13 or bus 506 to Dynamicum or arrive by foot.
To Dynamicum The journey from Helsinki-Vantaa airport to Dynamicum takes approximately 45 minutes.
By bus and by walking Take the airport bus 600 to stop 'Pyöräilystadion'. Walk from the stop eastwards 1.4 km towards University weather radar (white ball above campus area). Bus trip takes 25 minutes, walk 20 minutes.
By bus and tram or train If walking is not an option, change to tram 13 towards Kalasatama. The nearest stop is 'Nylanderinpuisto'. Change of vehicle is included in price of Regional ticket.
For more information on public transport to Dynamicum, please visit Public transport Journey Planner or Helsinki city bikes (From April to October)
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