Precipitation remained low in October
According to Finnish Meteorological Institute statistics, October was exceptionally dry in many areas in the western and northern parts of the country, something that occurs on average less frequently than once every 30 years. Precipitation in these areas was mainly between 5 and 20 millimetres. In the eastern part of Finland, the precipitation of 30–50 millimetres was closer to the long-term average thanks to precipitation towards the end of the month. The total amount of precipitation in the whole country in October was record low in the material that starts from 1961.
The month's highest amount of precipitation was 61.6 mm, measured in Virolahti, and the lowest amount 1.1 mm, measured in Karesuanto, Enontekiö. The greatest amount of precipitation in a 24-hour period was 31.1 millimetres, recorded in Kärsämäki on 27 October.
October was record dry at the following long-operating observation stations of the FMI: (Amount of precipitation in brackets.)
Kaarina Yltöinen (9.5 mm)
Laitila Haukka (7.8 mm)
Huittinen Sallila (10.7 mm)
Isojoki Kärjenkoski (8.8 mm)
Karvia Alkkia (11.4 mm)
Kuusamo Kiutaköngäs (8.4 mm)
Posio Raistakka (9.2 mm)
Ylitornio Meltosjärvi (4.3 mm)
In terms of temperature deviations, Finland was split. The average temperature in October was about one degree colder than usual in the southern and central parts of the country, whereas Lapland saw temperatures that were 1–2 degrees warmer than usual. The highest temperature recorded in October was in Rajakari,Turku, where a temperature of 16.2°C was measured on 2 October, and the lowest temperature was measured at -9.3°C in Näkkälä, Enontekiö, on 17 October.
Further information:
For the latest weather forecasts, call the 24-hour meteorology service on: 0600 1 0600 (€4.01/min + local charges)For climate statistics, call: 0600 1 0601 (€4.01/min + local charges) (in Finnish)
The meteorologists tweet about the weather on Twitter: @meteorologit