ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) is a pan-European initiative consolidating actions amongst European partners producing high-quality observations of aerosols, clouds and trace gases. Different atmospheric processes are increasingly in the focus of many societal and environmental challenges, such as air quality, health, sustainability and climate change. ACTRIS aims to contribute to the resolving of such challenges by providing a platform for researchers to combine their efforts more effectively, and by providing observational data of aerosols, clouds and trace gases openly to anyone who might want to use them.

mountain view, reaserch station building
High Altitude Research Station Jungfraujoch, one of the ACTRIS sites

Currently the coordination of ACTRIS is supported by the EC-funded ACTRIS Implementation Project (IMP). ACTRIS IMP builds on the achievements of the successful ACTRIS PPP and on the scientific and technical deliveries of the ACTRIS-2 and EUROCHAMP-2020 projects. The ACTRIS IMP project objectives are based on the overall ACTRIS implementation phase objectives. Moreover, the ACTRIS IMP project will elevate ACTRIS to a new level of maturity and will set the required coordinated structures for coherent implementation actions, to be performed at both the national and European level. ACTRIS is expected to be established as its own legal entity ACTRIS ERIC in 2021. Figure below describes the different parts and phases in ACTRIS preparations, and their relations with each other.

ACTRIS Lifecycle Phases

More detailed information about ACTRIS can be found on the website.